Overjet Clinical Inte...
By: Overjet
Overjet AI detects oral disease with unmatched precision, so you can give the best care
AHEAD Medicine
By: AHEAD Medicine
Uses AI to automatically analyze the immunophenotype of specimens and detect abnormalities

AI Surgical Intelligen...
By: Theator
Theator is pioneering the Surgical Intelligence revolution, harnessing advanced AI and computer vision technology to gen...
AI-Enabled Risk Adjust...
Delivering Accurate, Compliant, and Efficient AI-Powered Risk Adjustment Technology
AiCure Patient Connect...
By: AiCure
Improve patient engagement and achieve a deeper understanding of individual and population-wide disease symptomology
By: Cerebra.ai Ltd.
AI that identifies brain stroke within 10 minutes helping to prevent neurologic deficit and brain cells death
By: ClosedLoop
ClosedLoop’s AI-Powered platform is helping organizations redefine how data science moves healthcare forward
Curie AI
By: Curie AI
A tech respiratory care company that has developed cutting-edge technology for passive respiratory patient monitoring
Deep Ensemble for the ...
By: Skin Analytics
Derm takes seconds to assess skin lesions. Supports clinicians in the assessment of skin lesions
HeartFlow FFRCT Analys...
By: HeartFlow
Non-invasive tests for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease

By: Immunai
Single-cell genomics and machine learning methods to map and reprogram the immune system

January AI
By: January AI
January analyzes thousands of data points to help you eat smarter and live healthier
Lark Health
By: Lark Health
Artificial Intelligence-based digital care coaching platform to help manage and prevent chronic conditions

Mabu Care Insights Pla...
By: Catalia Health
Using the power of AI, psychology, and social robots to improve patient outcomes, engagement, and adherence.
By: Therapixel
MammoScreen™ provides AI-guided decision-making support for breast cancer screening.
By: Mediktor
Mediktor is the most accurate clinically validated app that is an AI-based medical assistant for triage and prediagnosis

Minuteful Kidney
By: Healthy.io
FDA-cleared smartphone-enabled home albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) test
Navina AI
By: Navina
Navina transforms primary care with an intelligible, actionable platform for better diagnosis and care
By: Parrots inc.
Polly is a smart platform using AI and ML to give a real-time voice and telecare to people with neurological disorders
By: StuffThatWorks
Helps people learn which treatments work best for their condition using smart, AI-based crowdsourcing.
By: Unlearn.AI
TwinRCTs leverage patients’ digital twins to enable highly powered studies with smaller control groups
By: Docbot
The future of gastroenterology built on a foundation of artificial intelligence

By: breathing.ai
Breathing.ai’s browser extension adapts your screen to effortlessly elevate your mood, health, and performance.
uPath Image Analysis A...
By: Roche
Objective and accurate assessment of scanned slide images that are actionable and reproducible.